Women’s Ministries Revitalized at Chattanooga First Church
Women’s Ministries at Chattanooga First Church is experiencing a renewal. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the program slowed and then came to a halt. Now, with a return to normal activities and a team of capable, committed, and enthusiastic women, the ministry is ready to begin functioning once more.
Juliana Burnette, the new Women’s Ministries leader, began her term of service earlier this year. She brings to her role a heart for serving women and their needs. “I want to nurture and support friendships among our church sisters,” Juliana says, “and offer Christlike service to our community.”
With the recent growth in the church’s membership, many of the women did not know one another. The Women Ministries team, in their first meeting, discussed the issue and decided that the ideal format for their first event would be a get-acquainted tea. The “Meet and Greet Tea” was held in the church’s fellowship hall on Sunday afternoon February 19 with approximately 50 women in attendance.
Right from the start, the hall, colorfully decorated by the talented women on the committee, created an atmosphere for lively interaction throughout the program as the women sipped a variety of teas from real china and ate at tables laden with mouth-watering breads, savories, sweets and beverages. With everyone wearing an attractive nametag, it was easy for them to call one another by name as they talked and formed new relationships. Before and during the short program, they took time to have their pictures taken in one of the many hats provided for the purpose, although some women had worn their own hats, having come already dressed for high tea.
The Q & A section of the program gave the attendees a chance to express their delight with the new beginning and to share their suggestions for future activities. At the close, three of the women left feeling happy with the hand-made items they received as prizes from the drawing that was held.
With their first successful activity behind them, the team is now focused on creating a mission statement and crafting ideas for activities that will help the ministry support the women of the church in their desire to be true women of God. In planning for future events, they are taking into account the suggestions garnered from the survey administered prior to the Tea and from the responses to the short survey sheet tucked into the program at the event. One of the upcoming activities will be a Spring Arts and Craft Festival when the women of the church will get to display their talents and skills in such crafts as quilting, pottery, soap making, and many others. Besides promoting fellowship, it is hoped that the festival will help the women learn from one another.
Women’s Ministries at Chattanooga First is off to a good start with a revitalized program designed to help the women of the church create friendships and enjoy fellowship that will make them flourish in service to Christ.
- Judith Nembhard